Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Generic name of Allah (God)

The Entity to whom we cal Kuhuda is Persian word of the same entity to whom Arab called Allah.Allah is not generic name of That Entity.In Quran Allah described himself Allah because Arab was acquinted with this name.If Allah described Himself with other name than Allah then it was very difficult for Arabs to accept that name.When Allah called Himself Rahaman in Qura...n then Arbs objedted to it and said "Who is Rahaman we do not know Rahaman".This is Why Allah described Himself Allah.There cannot be generic name of Allah because Allah is not produced by any body which named Him Allah. He is present from time immorrial on His own force.We recognise Him only by His attributes.y.By reading Quran I have come to the conclusion that HE likes to be called RAHAMAN.And this is Isme Azam. Allah is Entity which in Persia is called Khuda, in India Bhagwan or Ram , in Euroupe God.