Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Quran foods will help balance your Hormones for Excessive Hair Growth

Excessive hair growth (also known as hirsutism) can be problematic, especially in nations where it is less acceptable socially to exhibit more hair. It impacts both men and women. Typically, excessive hair growth has to do with abnormal hormone levels.

Olive tea

Try some olive tea the olive leaves have the ability to block the effects of androgens related to hair growth. You also can use the olive extracts.

Quran foods have been known to affect how hormones are utilized by the body. Specifically grapes and Pomegranate juice and add bananas in your daily diet. You should evaluate your diet and will be able to alter your hormone levels and change your hair growth patterns just by making a few Quran foods substitutions.

As with any other treatment, consistency is important when using Quran food diet. Try to set a specific time to engage in your therapy, such as always having a cup of olive tea before bed or when you get up in the morning. This will keep your hormone levels from spiking and will lessen the sudden bursts of hair growth you may experience otherwise.
Important is adding pure milk daily
Hair Groth