Hosh Mohammad Sheedi was a brave General of Mir's Army. Who fought against British army led by General Sir Charles James Napier to stop them from annexing the Sindh. Which resulted his martyrdom in the Battle of Dubbo 24 March 1843 He was so brave and courageous that 54 deep wounds in his body couldn't stop him to stand in the battlefield. While looking the raised color ful flag of British. He cut his right arm with an axe, which was seriously injured. Then he stumbled towards British general Charles Napier, who was standing in front of his Tent but cant do so and shouted that “Marsoon Marsoon Sindh Na Daisoon” I will die but never give you Sindh. Capt. Richardson came out of his tent on hearing the noise and was amazed to see Hoshu alive and standing in the battlefield. So, Capt. Richardson and Demisrus rushed towards Hoshu to kill him. As he reached near Hoshu, Hoshu attacked Demisrus with an axe from his only left hand while Richardson attack him with an ironic weapon in his chest. Which went apart Hoshu’s chest. But the courageous warrior stood up, pulled the weapon out of his chest and strikes it on Richardson on his head. Which resulted Richardson death. After killing them Hoshu tried to proceed towards Charles Napier but he felt down on his first step towards Charles Napier and martyred.
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